Saturday, August 2, 2014

The First Harvest

It's been so long since I last came to write in my blog. My last post was nearly from one year ago now, and I was talking about change. I was, at the time, adamant about leaving my bad situation and beginning anew, which I happily announce to you all, my dear readers, that I have done just that. My life has changed dramatically since I become detached from my family. I now have a job, so now I've come to feel independent and confident again. I've also returned to school once again, working hard to finish off my bachelor's degree for good. I'm ready to enter the world of the working, capable adult, so any step in the right direction is going to take me closer to that goal regardless of how long it's taken me to make that step. So yes, I can certainly say that my life is better. It's not absolutely fabulous yet, but who can say that anything in life is perfect? Not anyone I know of. Which brings me to my main reason for returning to my blog. I know I've done this many times since the start of my blog, but the lean times seem behind me now, and I which to take stock and start fresh. Hence my reasoning for posting tonight.

Today was Lammas, the time of bringing the grain of the summer fields to our tables at the beginning of the harvest season. For those of us that live by the Old Ways, agricultural parallels to the seasons of life is our vehicle of harvest. The fall is once again going to be upon us for the year 2014, and it seems hard to believe even now that so much has come to pass so quickly. Reflecting upon my last year, I see how much I've changed, grown, as a person and as an individual. For someone like myself that has never had much of a presence or voice amongst my peers, I now feel like my aura has increased- that I have gained strength in who I am and where I need to be. I have become more leader than follower, in a position to nurture and help those looking to find their own place of confidence and positivity as well. This is me taking stock so far of my new journey, and the goddess helped in so many ways. As much as I was strong, this last year She gave me more strength to hold my ground. For all my shortcomings, She helped me find out what I was really capable of doing. 

This harvest is the beginning of what is to come, and I'm already preparing for what the autumn and winter may bring into my heart. 

Brightest blessings to you all this Lammas or Lughnasadh, and may we all be granted bountiful harvests of in our mind, bodies, and souls in the next Sabbats and months to come. 

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