Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happiness is a burning candle...

On my Ostara altar!

Here are some pics to show you guys my Ostara altar, which was previously the spot where I was doing my tarot and oracle readings. Enjoy!

So this is my Ostara altar as of yesterday morning. It's one of the more simple altars I've made this year, but I love it. The colours are perfect for springtime, and just looking at it makes me happy. The bunny dish is from Michael's craft store, and I'm pretty sure it is made to hold candy, but I might use it to hold tea lights for my Ostara ritual. I love that it's shaped like a pentacle!

And this is that same table, but instead it has been set up for tarot readings. For anyone wondering, that's the Aquarian Tarot deck. I haven't met anyone else that owns the Aquarian Tarot; it seems to be one of the less popular tarot decks out there. But I think the retro illustrations are gorgeous. Plus, it matches the fabric I bought to use for the tablecloth. Not that I buy tarot decks to match my home decor *wink*.

Finally, just a little closeup of my fairy statue. I've had her for so many years- 15 at least. She definitely likes watching over my tarot readings. I really need to get into the fae. They're so cool.
I also keep a little pentacle I made from clay, for protection, and an amethyst point to bring psychic awareness. Can't do a good reading without a piece of amethyst somewhere.

Well, that's all for now folks. Blessed be!

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