Monday, March 7, 2011

The Seed Moon

It is said that the month of March is a time to start sowing the seeds of coming harvest. Taking that into consideration, I began to think of all the ways that I could manifest new beginnings into my life this month. What can I do or concentrate my inner power on to create a fresh start in this month of March?

Having spent this past week contemplating things to do, I came up with two answers for myself.

Firstly, I want March to be a fresh start for myself. My life changed this past 12 months, and its still changing....Many good things have come from this new turn in my path, but there are other changes that still need to come. I spend most of my teenage years and early twenties cultivating my mind. Yes, education and study are important to me, but through all those years I neglected the rest of me. And that is the truth.
So I want this March to bring about a season of physical change, because I am in great need of physical change right now. Things are happening to me, health-wise, that I feel I cannot control because of the way I am physically. Bringing about changes in my physical health will give me more control over my body and the ability to treat it better through healthier living.

Secondly, since I began this blog in January I have been a roll of sorts. My journal is still pretty bare, but this blog is flourishing. Two nights ago it finally came to me- why my blog is doing so well while my journal has stayed pretty bare. I realized my impetus for writing comes from others. My blog is being read by other people, and my journal is not. Therein lies the difference! My Book of Shadows is, for me, not a journal. It's more of a reference book really. And that is why I like my blog. I can write things, and other people can read them. I was never one of those people that liked to write down things for their own benefit. I don't even write grocery lists if I don't have to. So I am making this blog my journal as of today. Yay.

So, back to my question of how to do make these things manifest? The journal issue is taken care of and in process. As for the physical cultivation? Well, for a start the weather is getting quite nice. I think it's time to start taking walks. Walking is good. As the ancients said, "A journey of a thousands miles starts with a single step". They knew what they were taking about in those days.

The month of March will be a single step. And so begins a thousand miles.

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