Thursday, March 24, 2011

So much for out like a lamb...

I usually do not complain about things beyond my control, such as the weather. Yes, I do get a tad bit annoyed on days that I cannot go outside, but this winter has been pretty harsh, which made me not want to leave the house if I'm being totally honest.

Now I wrote in my previous post that Ostara was gloriously bright and sunny. It was. I honestly thought that winter was over.
Wrong! Winter is apparently not over. Since early Monday morning we've had snow. Lots of it. It did rain as well, which I guess was due to the temperature not being cold enough for snow.

Winter is still going. This year in my area March did not "come in like a lion". It came in like a snow monkey. And with the way things are going now, weather-wise, I have no doubt that it will go out like one, too. We did get a week or two of nice weather this March, but temperatures were still quite cold for this time of year.
Oh well, I guess that's what global warming will do.

It doesn't feel like spring is in the air today, and I still haven't done my Ostara ritual. I couldn't do it on Sunday night, so I thought I'd wait for Monday. Monday came with snow, and totally smothered my spring excitement.
I guess I'm just going to have to wait it out, or do with the snow. Sigh.

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