Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Needing Some Balance

Okay, so I need to work on balancing my chakras. Badly.

I never think much of chakra work these days, but recently I ran into an issue with some strange dreams I've been having over the past few weeks. Very vivid and disturbing dreams, at that. After doing some extensive research I found a website that referenced a few alternative healing systems and ended up taking little quiz to determine whether my chakras needed balancing.
According to the test my lower chakras were totally under-active, and my third eye was way over-active. I read the information given according to the test results, and I was very surprised. The descriptions related to my test results fit exactly how I've been lately. My third eye is in over-drive and I feel like I'm seeing things everywhere. Between that and the messed up dreams, I am not a happy camper. Plus, I have no stamina at all and cannot get grounded. I tried meditating the other day and just couldn't get in the mood. I haven't had that happen in over two years.

There is definitely a problem here, so chakras, get ready for some balancing.

I've been doing research on stones that correspond the chakras, and I've thought about either making a bracelet or a necklace to wear. I'm start off by carrying some hematite on me as a worry stone. From what I have read, hematite is very good for grounding, so I'm going to keep that near me or the next few days. The jewelry-making can come later.

I also found a few chakra meditation videos on YouTube, so my plan is to use balance the lower chakras individually first, and then do an all-together chakra balancing. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. I'll just have to try it and see.

Until next time, blessed be.

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