I'm really not 100% percent on the ball with my Astrology, which is why I've been gradually challenging myself to learn more on the subject, but I do know that right now we have entered the sign of Pisces, the cosmic fish as some call it, and have just moved past the full moon phase as of February 25th. Therefore, I reasonably thought that we had just finished a full moon in Pisces. Apparently that was wrong. Thankfully I did some online research before I posted this and made a fool of myself- pulling a Fox, I'm going to call it. Instead of pulling a Fox, I took some time out and looked up which sign the full moon was actually in. Show's how much I know. The moon was actually in Virgo. Yes, I did a metaphysical face-plant on that one. Ouch.
In light of all this, however, I am seeing a pattern where I can now actually take the time to redeem myself for lacking in Astrological knowledge. It seems like now is a good time to actually use the Farmer's Almanac I bought for 2013 to look for some interesting reading in learning more about Astrology. I had an 'Everything' series book on Astrology, but I was never able to connect to it very well. It was a very well-written book complete with mini-exercises, and I liked reading it, but I just never read it through well enough to understand all the lessons. Bad Stephanie, and entirely my fault. Sometimes I try but I just can't get into it enough to connect on a deeper level. One of my major flaws, sadly. Oh well.
My faults aside, how does my experience right now relate to having the past Full Moon in Virgo surrounded by Piscean energies? Well I did some more research and partially answered this question. My research led me to understand that, first of all, a full moon's sign does not necessarily correlate to the sun-centered astrological signs that occur on a monthly basis. Rather the moon's sign changes on a near-daily basis as per the fluctuations of the daily signs that occur on each day during the year. More clearly, the monthly signs are one part of the astrological cycle for the year with 12 signs for each approximate month. The daily signs also follow a similar cycle with a time period for each sign (about a day and half) with a smaller time period known to astrologers as 'void-of-course', which means there is no sign during that time. According to traditional astrological belief, planning to do activities during void-of-course periods is not advisable, even counter-productive or unlucky. Perhaps a good reason to invest in a moon calendar, for those of us that have a tendency to be superstitious at times.
Another topic of interest I discovered was that right now we are within a Mercury retrograde period- as if my skills and methods of communication were not lacking enough right now. I've read about Mercury retrograde issues before when I first began to read horoscopes more frequently. I knew I wouldn't be a fan of these time periods when I heard about them. Who would? I'm guessing this is why I haven't felt the urge to make a Tarot video in the last few weeks. Again, bad Stephanie. This may also be a contributing factor to why someone I know decided to move out of their apartment unexpectedly, completely forgetting to mention it to their landlord and forfeiting their damage deposit. I told them so. That Mercury retrograde gets you every time.
All that aside, the moon in Virgo during a Pisces month is pretty interesting. The signs themselves are contradictory; Virgo being a stable and practical earth sign, and Pisces an ever-changing and emotional water sign. In that respect, this full moon was a bit all over the place. And I did feel a bit out of sorts during the days of the full moon. I felt emotional, hormonal, a tired, and mostly stuck in a bad situation- like I had no way out of my muddled mess of a mind. It was a losing battle at bedtime as well. Vivid dreams with lots of men and weird situations on a houseboat. Thank goodness that one didn't last long.
Anyhow, I should try and learn more about Astrology. It is key knowledge in working well with witchcraft and understanding the cycles of time within nature and the universe. If Nostradamus could do it, so can I, I guess.
I completely agree that astrology is overwhelming! Far moreso than tarot. I'm still trying to just remember what features correlate to signs just for the sake of understanding the people in my life. I sure have not ventured into actually following the astrological schedule. More power to you in your studies!