Working with Brigid, whether in an esbat, at Imbolc/Candlemas (also known as her feast day in the Catholic Church), or in meditation, has given me a sense of freedom of expression always with a burst of creative energy. On the first Imbolc I actually celebrated I wrote my first Sabbat ritual. No joke. The ritual was conceived and written out in about 30 minutes, right on my laptop during a small ice storm. It was the most exhilarated I'd been in ages and amazingly, I performed the ritual that same night feeling a creative spark that continued well on for the next two weeks. My Book of Shadows took a turn for the better, getting filled up with more than twenty pages of material in just over two weeks, which for me was a milestone.
Still Brigid continues to inspire me, even in the hardest of times. As a thank you I dance for her, to send some energy back into the universe in return for Brigid as a divine muse to my creative self. Whether that energy really gets back to her, I do not know, but what I do know is that I feel better for doing it and maybe, in some miniscule, obscure way, it does give back something I may have taken from the ether of our universe.
I love the goddess Brigid, and I hope to know of her and the fire that fuels her positive creation capabilities she may bestow upon myself for many years to come. Hopefully all that wish to understand her and gain knowledge from her fiery wisdom may do so with much happiness and, as the French say, "joie de vivre".
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