This year I (thankfully) was able to celebrate my Imbolc ritual to honor the goddess Brigid on the night of February 1st. As opposed to lat year when I was so stressed out it took me two weeks to finally get enough peace and quiet to centre my thoughts and take a breather for some Brigid-centric fun, though it felt a bit chore-like in the beginning. This year was not that bad, but it did take some time to get my mind off the present state of my home environment. At least a few moments of grounding in front if my altar gave me peace of mind and the relaxation I needed to get in the mood. It's so hard to be happy when others around myself are stressed or upset, I've noticed. Otherwise, I managed to set up my sacred space and cast my circle well enough. I'm still working on a natural rhythm to my rituals, but I need more time with my written rituals, which right now I'm making do without. Oh well. Such is life when you are living between countries.
Essentially, this Imbolc was the third year in a row that I have reaffirmed my connection to Brigid. I have always felt a strong connection to her, as mentioned in my last post, but this Imbolc I had the feeling that I was missing something. I'm not a Dianic sort of practitioner in my craft, but I do get the feeling that I've been leaving the God-aspect out of my rituals too much. Not on purpose, but because there isn't much of a God-focus at times than there is a Goddess-focus in the Wiccan/Witchcraft material I find myself absorbed in at times. Realizing this gap in my spiritual practice had led me to want to learn more about the male side of Wicca and witchcraft, and the male aspect in paganism in general. Hopefully I can find some practical and enlightening reading material on the subject- perhaps a good look online through various websites can give me some more ideas.
Otherwise, this Imbolc was great for my mental and spiritual well-being. I feel recharged and ready for the coming spring. Hopefully I can find more inner strength to empower myself for the coming months until I have the freedom I need to move forward with my life.
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