Thursday, August 7, 2014

Prioritizing My Self

Every year the times seems to slip away a little faster on me, and I get more tired and prone to procrastinating. You might even say I'm a Grand Master of procrastination I do it so well. Too well, in fact. Recently I've felt the need to wean myself off of late nights and zombie mornings' after, so a remedy was called for- time management skills to the rescue (or not)!

Good old time management, the bane of procrastinators everywhere. Here's my chance to really get in gear and make sure I follow through instead of wallowing in preventing myself from getting anything done. Okay, step one, setting goals. Check. Making sure I keep things written down and on lists. Check. Get a planner! CHECK! And now you can get everything done and never procrastinate again! Check? No. There is never a simple solution to an old problem. At least I've made a commitment to working on it.

I want to make myself be more proactive when it comes to making sure I'm getting the most out of my time. Is it feasible, yes it is, in theory. The hardest part is the practical, like the first time you turn on the engine of a car and take your foot off the brake. You've seen it done thousands of times, yet when you do it for the first time it's as if the car is going to speed out of control and drag you away with it. Fun stuff, I'm sure.

So how am I going to fix this, you ask? I'm working on it. My ultimate goal is to ensure that I have enough time in my day to do three things of importance. (As a side note, work is not in these three things because it's not optional). Right. Number one on my list is having time set aside included for meditation. I used to meditate all the time! Not so much anymore. I tried doing a chakra balancing video a week ago for Lammas and fell asleep in my chair, sitting up. I was quite the sad sight at that moment. Since I stopped meditating I haven't been as carefree or as calm as I used to be most of the time. That is another blog post in itself, so I'll reserve talking about that later in my BLOGUST series.

Secondly, I would like to make time for reading. I read a lot, every day really. However I do not read anything I actually would enjoy reading. There is a pile of books I hauled off of back in February that I haven't even touched as I have no time to even skim through them. This saddens me greatly, ergo reading books in on my list of things I absolutely need to make time for. What good is having a load of witchy books if I can't even read the damn things? Sheesh.

Lastly, I want to make time to nurture my soul back to health. Since I came back home and got a job, started planning my career path, went back to school, I've lost some of the witch in me. It's there of course, buried underneath it all, sparkling through every so often when little things cross my path or I see a glimmer of the Craft in something. Like a little bird perched near my window looking in on me, or a look at the moon to see what phase its currently in and secretly wishing I could celebrate a little. Sigh. I'm going to make sure that I incorporate making time for my inner self a priority at the moment, which I'm glad to say is happening at this moment as I take some quiet time to write in my blog for the day. Tomorrow will be something new, something fun maybe, and I can keep on writing with myself in mind.

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