Friday, January 18, 2013

What To Do?

I was talking to a friend of mine today, and I 'm pretty sure they may have been a victim of psychic attack.*

This is a bit of controversial topic from what I know of; some circles don't even consider psychic attacks to be a real thing in the (meta)physical world. My personal opinion on the topic is that it is real. In the past I have had experiences where I felt tired, sick, in pain, but could not pinpoint anything specific that was ailing me. I have also lived with psychic vampires nearly my whole life- I knew what that felt like before I even knew that kind of person existed.
My friend is facing the same problems now and for the last few weeks- a haze of unexplained malaise, lack of interest in anything, constant tiredness, and feeling impossibly forlorn, even hateful at times. I know my friend very well; for nearly a whole decade we've been like two peas in pod, so I know when their behaviour just does not suit their situation. They have no financial burdens, things are good in their relationships at home, they have a loving partner that would do anything for them and loves them unconditionally- so why the slump? My friend has even confessed that it's in their head, so why can they not break the depressive cycle?
I pondered, and pondered, finally coming to the conclusion that it may be a psychic attack. From what or whom I have no idea, but I do suspect that a Tarot reading could clarify this matter much further than I ever could just postulate.
Earlier this evening I did do a Tarot reading for my friend, to see what was up and how I could be of help to them. I will keep their cards private, but what I will say is there was a lot of emotion (water) coming up in their life, which means that they may still be living in the past, not to mention that the card I pulled on how to help out was the reversed (R) IX of Cups. Lots of water, emotions are running high, but in different ways. I cannot speak on their actually reading, but I will say that my friend and I do have a long history and we are similar but different. We have been there for each other in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. 
With the IX of CUPS, I see this to mean that I must be supportive towards my friend to help them reach their goals, but I cannot be passive. I must take an active role in order to facilitate change in their life for the better. Whether they were victim to a psychic attack or not, I must be there by their side to help them heal for the future, whatever that may bring. It will be a positive future, I noted, with friends and many people by their side. 

I hope that I can do this for my friend; that they will allow me the privilege to get close enough to their heart and soul so that these past wounds can heal. It will take some time and much active effort, but it can and will be done. I just pray that Goddess will guide me towards making the right choices when the time comes. 

*I'm not specifying he or she as to keep confidentiality on the part of my friend. 

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