I'm just going to make this post a quickie because it's late and I've had a very, very long day, but I wanted to take a few moments and write about being together with family at the holidays, a topic near and dear to me and mine. I would also like to say that this post is alternately titled, "How not to rip your hair out at the holiday dinner table".
Being one of the more observant family members has allowed me to watch and learn from the mistakes of my elders, and provide to those wanting to know more information to save them from hours of annoyance. If you are traveling far distances to stay with family, perhaps even days or weeks of annoyance.
So how exactly does one stay sane during holiday get-togethers?
Here's some (almost good) advice from the peanut gallery.
1) Only speak if spoken to, politely.
The more you can avoid talking to any relatives that annoy you, the less of a chance you have at becoming annoyed. Sounds easy, right? Wait until you are knee deep in dinner conversation about just how great Uncle Ted thinks his expensive, new Audi is in comparison to your decade old Toyota Camry and see how long that lasts.
2) Remember that holidays only occur at specific times of the year.
This is a good mantra to repeat when your reserve begins to wear thin and the urge to pull your hair out begins to sound like a fun activity.
3) Just don't listen.
Trust me, it's hard but it works.
Well that's all I have for today. If you, my dear readers, have any other tips or advice to give holiday weary souls, please don't be shy and post away!
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