Today is Imbolg and sure enough, the heart of winter has come through in full force. An ice storm to top off already too much snow brought my part of the world to a standstill, with no electrical power in my neighbourhood for about four hours or so earlier in the day. So here there I was, thanking the Gods that my eagerness drove me to make my Imbolg candles in advance, which helped a lot in the greyness of the day while we were without power. I also made a honey cake in advance (thanks Charming Pixie Flora!), so I had something sweet to enjoy whilst waiting for the electricity to come back.
As I sat there burning my Archangel Michael candle and eating my cake, I was thinking about two things: February and connections. The two may not seem to be related at first, but I will explain.
The coming of February has brought me closer to so many things, namely the Goddess Brigid, my Book of Shadows, my journal writing(both online and off), my new Youtube channel, and a deepening comfort in my practice. But February is not just for material connections, it is about connecting to people as well. I want it to be about connecting to people, like the pagan community at large. The Youtube pagan community especially, just because they are all so special to me, and have helped me so much in my practice and in finding my true inner spirit. Connecting with people has definitely been something missing in my life for a few years now, because of my moving around and studying abroad, and I really want that back. To be able to communicate with others about my experiences and feelings and inner most thoughts and opinions is important to me. That is also why I created this blog; to connect and be connected.
So as February moves along, so will I with my connections to others, my path, and the coming spring.
Very insightful post!!! I really hope you find the deep connections inside the pagan community!! I've really enjoyed your blogging and want to encourage you to keep it up!!