Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today is Wesak, the day of the May full moon.

This day is important to Pagans and Wiccans because, of course, it is the day of the month when we honor our Lady, the Goddess, in esbat ritual. However, this day is also doubly special to me because this day also has its own significance within Buddhism.
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was born on this day, became enlightened on this day, and passed on into parinirvana on this day. So for Buddhists, Wesak is truly the most auspicious holy day in the yearly cycle. Being a Buddhist and a Pagan/Wiccan (not quite sure which I am yet), puts this day as a big celebration on my calendar.

Today I will honor both the Goddess and the Buddha, though honoring the Buddha is really a much simpler task, by nature. The expensive incense and a nice teacup of fresh rosewater, and a rose candle will be placed on an altar just for him. I would have preferred jasmine but, alas, I don't have jasmine water or any jasmine candles available. Though I think roses are fitting for the Buddha on his birthday/enlightenment/passing day.
As for the Goddess, I may wait until tomorrow night to actually have my esbat. In tribute to the Buddha, tonight will be a contemplative and introspective occasion.

Have a blessed Wesak and May Esbat everyone!
Namaste :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Doggies and Saints

Okay, I should first explain that I am eclectic in my witchcraft to the extreme, and you'll find out why in a moment.

So a few weeks ago I started watching a certain YouTuber (because, of course, I am addicted to YouTube) that makes videos explaining his path, which is a mixture of Hoodoo, Voodoo and Santeria. His videos are amazingly interesting to me, although I do not think that I would add Hoodoo or Voodoo practices to my own practice. Regardless, I feel fascinated by his videos and their content.
In addition to this, one of my favourite YouTubers is a spiritualist that incorporates some Catholic mysticism into his Wicca practice, and I also love his videos about the Catholic Saints. Being an ex-Catholic school girl myself, I do have an interest in the Saints. One of my matron Goddesses is Brigid, also known as Saint Brigid of Ireland.

Anyways, I had an experience 2 weeks ago with our family dog. He's a sweet little thing, but he began suffering from seizures a few years ago. Two weeks ago he went through a very difficult bout of seizures, having over 6 or 7 in 24 hours, which led to an emergency visit to the veterinarian.
While he was spending the 5 hours it took to go to the vet, get him treatment, and bring him back home calm, I stayed home and, remembering a video about St. Anthony (of Padua) being loved by animals, prayed earnestly to St. Anthony. I had prayed to St. Anthony before, to find things, and he delivered very well! So that is why again I chose St. Anthony. I was very upset at the time (I love all my doggies so much, especially him), and I did cry a little, but I truly believed in the power of St. Anthony. I promised that if he helped our little guy get better and become healthier, I would buy a statue of St. Anthony in thanks and keep it on my altar. That was 2 weeks ago and our little dog has not had a seizure since. We also put him in a calmer environment and changed his diet a bit, but still, he has become 100% better.
And so, this evening, I made my purchase of a St. Anthony icon (gorgeous one, too) for my altar. I cannot wait to put it up on the 'God' side of my altar.

As a few of my other favourite YouTubers have said, the Saints are very powerful and resourceful beings. I have now twice experienced their help in my life, and even though I am not Christian or Catholic, I do believe that Saints, like Jesus Christ, will help anyone that asks for it. Jesus himself was loving and kind to all that sought him out, and even those that didn't, and the Saints, as true followers of Jesus, do exactly the same.

Blessed be!

Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day

Finally! Beltane has come! Whew!

April was such a hectic month, I barely had time to breathe. I'm hoping that May will give me time to relax, but I think as of right now I'm being optimistic.

I was really disappointed that I wasn't able to post more than once in April. I made a promise to myself that I would try to post on this blog more than twice per week, and I kept up nicely through January, February, and March. April totally fell through. But I guess life is like that sometimes.

Things are looking up, though. Lots of rain has brought the sweetest daffodils, tulips, and magnolia blossoms to the neighbourhood, and the local rabbits have finally come out of their winter hiding places to munch on the clover and grass. At least I assume that what they're eating. Nevertheless, they're still really cute!

My Beltane was not the grand celebration I thought it was going to be, but I had my small ritual and it was enough. I felt more introspective this year, so I read out a few passages from Scott Cunningham's Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner (just to mix things up a bit) and did a short meditation. I wish I had a coven to celebrate with, but this did just fine for me.

That's all for now.

Beltane blessings to everyone :)